Chicken Coop for $1 and an Hour to Make (Video)

Chicken Coop for $1 and an Hour to Make (Video)

Ever had a poultry overload on your homestead? Or maybe you’d like to get started raising chickens but have very little space, time, and funds. This video from Off Grid With Doug and Stacey shares their very easy, cost-effective chicken coop idea that takes very little time to make. This is perfect if you’re adding a few extra hens to your homestead but have no place to put them, or need to quarantine a new or a sick animal. It’s also perfect for small yards or gardens, and of course, anyone with a small budget! Enjoy: If you enjoyed this, […]

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Dirt Cheap Foods for Homesteaders

Dirt Cheap Foods for Homesteaders

Whether you’re an urban homesteader or full-blown, land-owning, farmer, you have probably come to a time in your life at some point in which you had to keep your budget tight. If you are saving up for land, land development, or simply trying to budget and spend in a smarter way, food is always one of the biggest expenses, and it can be hard to know how to cut back on food spending without going for less healthy, processed foods. Fortunately, there are many wonderfully healthy and nutritious foods out there that are not only good for you, they’re dirt […]

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The $5 Chicken Tractor (Video)

The $5 Chicken Tractor (Video)

Popular homesteading vlogger Justin Rhodes has been on a tour of American homesteads this month, and through his travels, he found this impressive $5 chicken tractor made by his friend, Ryan from Wholesome Roots. I love seeing great, innovative, and frugal ideas for homesteading in general, but it seems people seem to get particularly innovative when it comes to housing and accommodating chickens! Just this week we shared our frugal chicken nest ideas, and I’ve actually found a few more since posting it. This is a very clever little system for moving chickens around the homestead, which is a great […]

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Maggot Dispenser=FREE Chicken Feed (Video)

Maggot Dispenser=FREE Chicken Feed (Video)

Wait! Don’t get grossed out. This is the “circle of life” at it’s very finest, trust me! I really love this YouTube channel, because not only is this family really rocking the homestead life, they’re doing it with all their kids, and posting it on YouTube for all of us to see. And this idea they came up with to feed maggots to chickens is brilliant. I think we’ve been programmed to think that chickens only want grains, but in reality, they’re carnivores who love bugs. Maggots are like juicy steaks to them! Check out this super cool video of […]

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Homesteading on a Budget

Homesteading on a Budget

Many people spend a substantial amount of money on homesteading. They end up spending far more than they should on all the latest and greatest gear and equipment. While it might be nice to have all those things, you need to realize that it is certainly not necessary. Just because you do not have a lot of money, it does not mean that you can’t homestead. Think about it for a minute. The pioneers, the original homesteaders here, did not have a lot of money. They were self-sufficient, and that’s what you need to be as well. You can get […]

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Homesteading on a Budget

Homesteading on a Budget

Everyone who wants to homestead wants to do so on a budget. In fact, the entire idea of homesteading is about reducing the money you are wasting and reducing your reliance on the modern material world. It doesn’t mean that you are going to live entirely for free and off the grid – although that might be possible for some. It does mean that you can do some things to get started in homesteading without breaking the bank. Here are some tips for you to get started. Sustainability is the key to working with a budget. You want to learn […]

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Cheap Homesteading Supplies You Need

Cheap Homesteading Supplies You Need

As a homesteader, you want to reduce your expenditures and become more self-sufficient. You want to grow your own food, and perhaps even mend and make your own clothing. However, as independent as you might be, or want to be, you still need to have the right tools and supplies. You can get many of the supplies you need without going over your budget thanks to buying in bulk and buying from places such as dollar stores. The following are some of the supplies you can find in these stores. Needles are usually available at these budget stores, and you […]

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3 Ways to Save Money on Your Garden

3 Ways to Save Money on Your Garden

Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs can save you a lot of money over the long run. When you invest in your garden, you’re basically completely negating the need to buy produce at a grocery store, which can add up to a lot of savings very quickly. Of course, even knowing that your garden is going to save you cash, it’s easy to overspend on that investment if you’re not careful. However, with a few simple tips, you can avoid this problem and save a lot of money from the very beginning. Buy in Bulk and Share Costs Do […]

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