How to Plant Corn in a Square Foot Garden (Video)

How to Plant Corn in a Square Foot Garden (Video)

I think corn is one of the coolest crops you can grow, and given it is native to the Americas and was a staple of the Native Americans, it’s clearly a good choice for the self-reliant homesteader. It is nutritious, caloric, keeps well, and, of course, does wonderfully in many North American climates. If you have long-term goals of self-reliance or food independence, you should definitely start growing corn now. This video is a how-to for planting corn in a square foot garden, using a very simple and reliable method of planting. The homesteaders who made this video are using the […]

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Saving Space While Growing Corn

Saving Space While Growing Corn

  Corn is a crop that has disappointed many backyard gardeners.  Mostly because they watch lush green stalks grow up with anticipation, only to find that the ears didn’t produce any corn.  One of the more common reasons why is that they didn’t plant enough corn.  In order for corn to properly pollinate it needs to be planted in several rows, if you are planting in rows.  This can take up more space than most backyard gardeners have, or are willing to give to one crop.  But there is a way to grow corn successfully without using so much space. […]

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