Age-Appropriate Farm Chores for Kids

Age-Appropriate Farm Chores for Kids

If you’re getting started with a family homestead, one of the things you’ll have to learn very quickly is how to delegate. Even a small farm takes a ton of work, and one person can’t do it all. Whether you pay an allowance, or simply make chores a part of learning life skills, your kids should be a part of caring for your family homestead. If you have younger children, there are still plenty of ways that they can help out around the farm. Pre-School Aged Children While you may have to help 2- or 3-year-olds with some of the […]

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Easy Milking Tips…

Easy Milking Tips…

One of the first big steps that many homesteaders take when becoming more self-reliant is to consider owning a dairy animal. Whether you go for a cow or a goat, having your own milk – that you can later turn into butter and cheese – is a great way to continue making your home self-sustaining. If you’ve never had to milk an animal before, it can be a daunting task, but many first-time homesteaders have learned to milk their goats or cows successfully. If you are consistent with your milking routine, and you utilize a few key tips, you’ll have […]

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