5 Critical Tips for Proper Pet Care

5 Critical Tips for Proper Pet Care

  Pets are awesome. There’s no other way to say it. As long as you care for them properly, they’ll show you nothing but love. This doesn’t mean that you need to spoil your pets, showering them with food, treats, and toys. Yes, you can do that, but your pets will appreciate you much more if you care for them in these five ways.   1) Spend Some Time Exercising With Your Pets Your pets want to spend as much time with you as possible. This involves playing and exercising with them. Depending on the type of pet that you […]

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How to Groom Horses (Video)

How to Groom Horses (Video)

Horses and ponies are wonderful additions to any homestead, especially if you are long-term survival oriented. They can provide live power, meaning, they can help you perform many farming tasks you might otherwise use a tractor or a truck for. Of course, while they’re fueled by food rather than gasoline, they still need lots of attention and maintenance. And just like we can be refreshed by a clean shower and some self-pampering, horses love, and need, regular grooming for their health happiness. In this very helpful video from Becky’s Homestead, she shares how to groom a horse for beginners, a […]

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