Cooling Your Home Off-Grid

Cooling Your Home Off-Grid

Rather than rely on fossil fuels or nuclear energy to cool off your home this summer, why not go off-grid? These systems are just as effective, yet they use natural sources of power – not “standard” electricity in order to cool your home down. A geothermal system is just one example. You can also utilize green energy, like solar or wind power, in order to run the systems that will keep you cool all summer long. No matter what, you’ll save money and do your part to save the environment – while staying comfortable at the same time. There’s nothing […]

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4 Excellent Ways to Generate Your Own Electricity

4 Excellent Ways to Generate Your Own Electricity

Your goal as a homesteader is to become self-reliant. You want to grow your own food and preserve it for future use. You want to know that you and your family can survive even if disaster strikes. One of the most persistent challenges faced by a homesteader like you is generating electricity to power your home. Most people rely on public power sources – more commonly known as the grid – for the electricity they need. Homesteaders tend to live in rural areas where the grid may be less reliable. For them, finding alternatives is desirable and cost-effective. With that […]

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DIY Home Energy Independence

DIY Home Energy Independence

One of the biggest draws towards homesteading is trying to achieve energy independence. It sure is rough out there today. Electricity costs are soaring and you probably know the feeling of dread that comes over you each time you open up an energy bill. Well, it actually is possible to be completely energy-independent, and never pay an electric bill again. I’m not even kidding. This incredible video explains how, and really blew my mind! If you’re sick of being beholden to big energy corporations that fleece you monthly, and tired of shivering through winter and sweating through summer just to […]

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