If you don’t already have a garden, then waiting until the spring isn’t going to help you at all. Even if you pour your time and resources into gardening starting in the spring you won’t be seeing the result until summer, and then it will still be limited. But, if you act now and prepare, you can hit the ground running as spring comes around. Here are some steps that you can take now to get starting growing food next year.
Building Beds
Especially for those of us that aren’t carpenters and use salvaged material, getting your raised beds built now will give you a huge head start. If you are working full time and only gardening on the weekend, then building beds, then getting them in place, filling them, and planting them, could, especially if things don’t go your way, take several weekends. That’s weeks that you could be growing but aren’t.
If you live in a cold zone, then this isn’t going to be as effective, but at least saving the material and getting it in place will. Turning waste into compost could take months, so don’t wait until you need it to start the process.
Starter Box
Getting a starter box, or even a room if you have the resources, put together now will allow you to start seeds up to a month before your last frost. This is s huge advantage by lengthening your growing season and getting you started faster.
Stock Piling
There are a lot of materials that you will need to get a garden started, tools, soil, stakes, boards, fencing, seeds, containers for starts. All of these cost money, and buying them all at once can be a real burden or even impossible. Buying some now, before you need them, will keep you from breaking the bank come spring.
The last thing that ever helped anyone in gardening was procrastination. There is always something that can be done now to help later.
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