If you are a homesteader, you are probably more interested in the natural way of life. Organic food, natural homebrewed remedies, grassfed meat, etc. So you are probably already sold on the idea of homebirth, if you are planning your family. Homebirth is a wonderful way to give birth to a child. You are comfortable, in your own, familiar space, surrounded by your family and friends and in the quiet and calm of your own home rather than the loud bustle of a hospital labor and delivery room.
However, even if you are not planning on a homebirth, if you live on a homestead odds are you are far away from a hospital or birthing center. Even if you live in the middle of a city, wherever you are planning on giving birth might not be where your baby decides to make their entrance into the world! So having a homebirth kit is simply prudent for any expecting mother. Here is a great video from a woman who wanted to be prepared for birthing in any location.
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