If you have kids in the modern world, you probably know how quickly and easily they can become attached to electronic devices and the “easy” way of doing things. Of course, you can relate, as you are reading this on the Internet. However, you know how important it is for the kids to strike that balance. They can enjoy modern life, but they also need to learn some important skills that will last them a lifetime.
The key to getting them interested with homesteading is to make it interesting for them. You can do this in many ways. Make the chores fun. Kids tend to like animals, so have them help with the feeding chores for animals. Parents should be with the small children, even when feeding animals that are docile and safe. Chickens can get feisty and goats can take off fingers, so always stress safety.
As the kids get older, they can have more complicated chores. These will help them to learn responsibility, and it will help them connect more to the homestead. In addition, make sure you are teaching the kids some of the other valuable skills that they aren’t going to get at school. Teach them to sew and cook for themselves. Teach them first aid and how to milk a goat. Teach them how to clean fish and how to hunt.
You already know that many of these skills are simply dying out with the newer generations. Many young people today barely have a grasp of where their food comes from, and that’s a shame.
When the kids are involved with homesteading, you will find that they are more involved with the family as well. Having a family that remains close is a difficult thing today. Homesteading is one of the ways to bring back the family.
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