Sure, they might look cute, but wild rabbits can be a lot more trouble than they’re worth when it comes to the safety of your garden. If you and your family depend on the garden for your food, you can have rabbits coming in and devouring everything in sight. If you are proactive when you first see a rabbit in the garden, it could save your crops. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to keep the rabbits away from your veggies.
While some rabbits are overly picky, there are certain types of vegetables that they tend to avoid. By planting some vegetables that they don’t like, you have a lower risk of rabbit problems. Some of the plants that they don’t tend to eat much of include cucumbers, corn, squash, tomatoes, and peppers.
Of course, you should be able to plant the crops that you want. Therefore, you will want to look at some of the other options for keeping the rabbits out of the garden. One of the best, which will work for rabbits as well as some other creatures, is to build a fence. Having a wire fence – chicken wire work well – around the garden can help to keep the rabbits out. However, you want to make sure that you bury the bottom of the fence down about six inches into the dirt. This will discourage the rabbits from trying to dig their way under.
Another good trick is to spray urine or blood from coyotes or foxes around the area. You can find it online and in many hunting and outdoor stores. You can also collect it yourself if you trap or hunt coyotes or foxes.
You can also put some cages around the plants help keep them safe. Additionally, you could put some cage traps around the garden to capture the rabbits and then relocate them. Of course, you can always put out other types of traps rabbits and then utilize their meat and fur.
With these simple tips, you should be able to keep the rabbits out of garden.
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