Essential oils are amazing. They’re a super natural and effective way to treat a multitude of health issues and even clean and sanitize your home, and they can be used to replace a ton of different OTC meds and chemical cleaners and solutions.
But if I had to pick one essential oil to be stranded on a desert island with, it would probably have to be lavender oil. Not only does it smell absolutely amazing, it has a bunch of great uses, and is one of the safest essential oils there is.
Here is an idea of the many things you can do with lavender essential oil:
Lavender is a great way to kill bad smells on almost anything. I always keep some in a spray bottle with water and vinegar, and use as I would Febreeze (if I used Febreeze, of course…)
“Lavender” comes from the Latin word for “to clean”, and for good reason! Medics in the Civil War used lavender to clean the wounds of soldiers, and this is because it has anti-bacterial properties. It’s great for all-purpose cleaning, and you can add a few drops to a cotton ball or soft cloth to clean wounds and stop bleeding.
You can use a blend of lavender oil and coconut oil to sooth irritated skin, rashes, even burns. It is even and anti-fungal, which means, if you add a few drops to your scalp after washing your hair, for example, it can kill dandruff, which is really a fungal infection.
Lavender is one of the most calming smells out there! It’s great to add to nighttime lotion, soothing baby balm, or just throw right in a diffuser to relax you and de-stress. Simply taking a whiff of an open bottle of lavender oil will probably chill you out more than a glass of wine, and you don’t even have to use any of your precious oil!
So once again, if you buy one essential oil to get your collection started, go with lavender. These are just a few of the many ways lavender can be used, so buy yourself a bottle and you’re sure to find plenty of uses for it in no time.
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