DIY Fruit Fly Trap Works Overnight

DIY Fruit Fly Trap Works Overnight

Fruit flies are unpleasant creatures. They seem to pop up whenever you leave fruit out. All that it takes is one several-day-old banana and the next thing you know, you’re surrounded by dozens of little fruit flies. Although these little buggers are relatively harmless to humans (they don’t bite, they’re just annoying), they just keep breeding and breeding, and might even scare off any company that comes over. Thankfully, there’s a solution. Well, two solutions. You can get rid of the fruit that attracts them, by eating it, canning it, or, in the banana example, turning it into banana bread. […]

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How to Make a Fly Trap

How to Make a Fly Trap

Not only are flies annoying, but they are disgusting too.  They can spread diseases just by landing on your food, without your even noticing.  They can ruin the time you spend outside trying to relax, and they can sneak inside every time you open the door.  And while raising animals and having a compost pile may increase their numbers, even if you have no animals and a near sterile yard, they can fly on over from your neighbor’s.  What can you do about it?  Trap them with a few things you probably already have laying around the house, and here’s […]

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