Contrary to its name, tea tree oil is not remotely related to the tea plant. It is actually native to and only grown in Australia. Which is probably why its benefits have gone largely unspoken of until recently.
It is important to note that tea tree oil is very toxic if swallowed. However, it can be used topically, and its ability to disinfect naturally makes it a viable alternative to harsher synthetic products.
Antiseptic and Antifungal
One of the most popular uses of tea tree oil is as an antiseptic and antifungal treatment. Its antibacterial properties make it an excellent treatment for wound care and skin irritations.
Cough Relief
Bring a pot of water to a simmer then remove from the heat. For convenience, consider pouring the water into a bowl. Add two drops of tea tree oil to the hot water. Using a towel draped over your head to act as a tent, inhale and exhale the vapor for several minutes.
If you aren’t comfortable inhaling the oil vapor, an alternative method is to massage a few drops directly onto the chest.
Insect and Pest Repellant
Tea tree oil is known to not only repel certain pests but also have pesticide properties.
A few recipes to keep in mind include:
Tick and Head Lice Repellent Spray
- 1 Cup Witch Hazel
- 2 Tsp Tea Tree Oil
- Mix and spray on your feet, shoes, your pets and where ever else you want to create a tick barrier. Did you already pick one up? Apply two drops of tea tree oil directly on the tick to eliminate it.
- Spray directly onto hair and massage into scalp to keep your child coming home with this unwanted guest.
Insect Repellent
- 1 Quart Water
- 15 drops of Tea Tree Oil
- Mix and spray anywhere you want to repel insects.
Parasitic Infection Treatment
Apply tea tree oil to insect and parasite bites to soothe any itching and ward off infection.
Personal Care
Make your own antibacterial soap by adding it to basic liquid soap and mixing well.
Problems with itching and irritation in the more personal areas of your body? Add 15 drops of the oil to a lukewarm bath and soak for 20-30 minutes.
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Pain Reliever
Tea tree oil’s natural properties let it penetrate the skin and muscle underneath quite easily.
Massage a few drops into affected areas to soothe pain from inflammation.
Sunburnt? Mix a drop of tea tree oil with a drop of lavender oil, and a Tsp of coconut oil for a soothing topical ointment after a day in the sun.
Disinfectant Spray
Mix with water to use as a disinfectant spray throughout the house. Mix a Tsp of oil with a cup of white vinegar to clean taps, light switches, doorknobs and more to kill off cold and flu viruses that may be lurking.
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Air Freshener
Tea tree oil is also a popular aromatherapy scent. Just soak cotton balls in the oil and place them discreetly around the home to ban odors and freshen the air. Make sure they are out of reach of children and pets since the oil is toxic if eaten or swallowed.
And the List Goes on and On
We have touched on many of the most popular uses for tea tree oil, but truthfully, the list could continue for days.
Regular users of tea tree oil will tell you how versatile and effective it can be around the home. From the medicine cabinet to the cleaning supply shelf, this amazing oil is your one-stop shop to stay healthier and happier.