The Amish are famous for their incredibly speedy “barn raising”. This is when the whole community comes together and builds a barn in a day, sometimes even a matter of hours.
I’ve always wanted to see one done, so I was thrilled to find this time-lapse video on YouTube recently that speeds a barn raising up to three minutes.
It’s amazing to see the amount of men at work, and how quickly they’re able to erect the structures and finish them off. It’s so cool what can happen when community comes together and is willing to work just out of a sense of obligation, rather than because they’re getting paid.
The Amish are romanticized so often for the way they live with very little technology and tight-knit communities, and I definitely think any homesteader can glean lots of valuable homesteading wisdom from the Amish. We probably don’t all have the resources or manpower to build a barn in a day, sure, but watching this video will sure motivate you to tackle any projects you have with the same enthusiasm the Amish apply to their barn raises! Enjoy:
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