A few months ago, we shared an article on how to make milk kefir, a cultured dairy product that’s packed with nutrition and beneficial probiotic bacteria.
If you’ve ever bought kefir in the store and enjoyed it, that could be due to the fact that it tends to be flavored when packaged and sold. So, if you make your own milk kefir and dislike it compared to something you’ve bought from the store, this could easily be why.
Flavored kefir is delicious and just as healthy, and relies entirely on the sweetness of the cultured dairy and the fruit added to it for its sweetness, as opposed to other sugary flavored drinks or yogurts that are full of artificial coloring or way too much refined sugar.
Fortunately for you, it’s easy to flavor your milk kefir at home! Cultures for Health is a fantastic resource for all things relating to cultured food, and this video shows some very simple and easy-to-follow instructions for how to flavor your milk kefir at home. Enjoy!
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