One of the more obscure “animals” you can raise on your homestead, especially if you’d like to think about making a profit in the long-term, is silkworms. These little critters are where pure silk comes from, and, like bees, it’s common for them to be raised in indoor or artificial habitats so that their silk can be harvested.
Silkworms love mulberry trees, and this video shows you how to make an artificial mulberry habitat to raise silkworms in. It was actually made by a 2nd grade teacher, so she could show her students how silkworms lived in their “natural” habitat, but I think it would translate very nicely to a starter silkworm operation for anyone who wanted to give it a try. This would be a really fun project if you’ve got kids, especially homeschooled children, so they could observe the lifecycle of the silkworms up close and personal.
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