Continuing in the theme of spring from our last few posts, let’s talk about seed tape today, and how easy it is to make your own!
Seed tape is a great way to easily plant your first spring crops, because you can guarantee proper placement and spreading of the seeds, as well as greatly reduce your time spent planting.
Not to mention, the tape itself helps germination, by keeping the seeds protected and moist.
Here is a very simple tutorial for how to make your own seed tape, that will certainly save you time and money. It only takes a few basic supplies, that are usually easy to find at any grocery store. Let’s get started so you can get planting!
What you need:
- White party streamers
- Measuring tape
- Thin-tipped marker
- Seeds you plan on planting
- 1 tbs cornstarch
- 1 cup water
- 1 small paintbrush
- In a small saucepan, combine the cornstarch with one cup of water, and mix well.
- Cook mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it becomes thick and gel-like.
- Once it has a gel-like consistency, remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
- As your cornstarch “glue” is cooling, cut your streamers into the length you’d like your rows to be.
- Using your marker and ruler, and referring to the seed packets, mark the points on the streamer you’d like to put your seeds. So, for example, if you are planting kale seeds that need to be 2″ apart from each other, make a hash mark on every 2″ on your streamer.
- One the glue is cooled, using your paintbrush, dab some on the streamer at each hashmark, and stick the seed to this, completing with another dab of glue if needed. Repeat until you’ve completed the whole length of the streamer.
- When you’re finished, paint a thin strip of glue along one side of the streamer, so you can roll it in on itself, making a long tube to plant.
- Once the glue has dried completely, it’s ready to be rolled up and stored or planted.
That’s it! Happy planting 🙂
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