One of the most important elements of living as a homesteader is learning to live a simpler life. For many, the thought of “living simply” is very alluring, but making the leap to homesteading, and being successful and happy with the lifestyle, is not as easy as many wish it would be. They do not have any idea of just how they can capture the simple life that they crave. Here are some simple tips to help you with homesteading, and to help you live better.
Plan Your Meals
Do you tend to wait until the last minute to decide what you are going to have for your meals? This adds undue stress to your life. If you simply take a bit of time out of the week to plan your meals in advance, and to make sure you have everything needed to make those meals, it becomes much easier. This only takes about fifteen minutes to do, and you might be surprised at just how much a difference it can make.
Reduce Use of Electronics
Sure, you should have access to the Internet, and ideally, you will have a phone or tablet that can connect to the web. It’s a good way of communicating today, as well as to learn. After all, you are probably on a computer or phone reading this right now. However, you do need to know when to put a limit to the technology. Try to eliminate your usage of electronics after dinner, for example. The only exception would be if it were an emergency.
Enjoy the Outdoors
It is amazing just how much something as simple as a walk outdoors can change your mood and your outlook. Make it a point to get out at least once a day and simply enjoy the world. This is in addition to the chores that you need to do. The walk should be something that’s enjoyable, not work.
Start living simpler – and better – today.
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