The Amazing Moringa Plant

The moringa plant is an amazing superfood, often called “the miracle tree”. It is insanely nutritious, and contains a high amount of calcium, which can be otherwise hard to grow, but is an essential nutrient. Alone, the leaves of the moringa tree are like an all-purpose multivitamin, making it a great choice for survival-minded homesteaders or anyone wanting to get more vitamins in their diet naturally.

The moringa has been used for centuries as an all-purpose source of food and medicine. Its small leaves are both edible and highly nutritious, and it’s seed pods are edible as well. It is most commonly consumed these days in powder form, but if you grow your own, you can eat the leaves straight and enjoy a more concentrated, more fresh source of these valuable nutrients.

Here are some quick facts about the nutrient content of moringa, compared to other foods. It has:

•Twice the protein of yogurt
•7 times the vitamin C of oranges
•3 times the potassium of bananas
•4 times the vitamin A of carrots
•4 times the calcium of milk

Moringa also contains:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, and B3
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc

It’s medicinal uses include:

  • antibiotic properties
  • digestive aid
  • combats colds and flus
  • eases inflammation
  • fights free radicals
  • can reduce symptoms of diabetes
  • increases brain function
  • supports liver health

Moringa is not native to the US, and is typically grown in warm, tropical climes like the Phillippines and Hawaii. However, if you live somewhere that gets a hard winter, you can take your tree indoors during the colder months and it will survive just fine.

It can be grown in pots, and you can order saplings online to plant in your backyard. Right now, spring, would be an ideal time to start one and let it thrive over the warmer, sunnier months before bringing indoors. Or, if you live somewhere like Florida or Hawaii, you can plant them right in your backyard!

This amazing superfood is a great choice for any natural health focused homesteader, you will definitely want to consider growing it on your homestead today!

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