How to Make Almond Milk (and Almond Flour!)

I love recipes that kill two birds with one stone (come to think of it, if you know a recipe that does this literally, let me know!), and making almond flour out of the leftovers from almond milk couldn’t be easier, or healthier!

It’s very simple, and all you need is almonds and clean drinking water.

Almond milk is a great alternative to dairy whether you are on the paleo or whole 30 diets, are lactose intolerant, or just enjoy a delicious and wholesome nut milk!

Homemade almond milk is not only cheaper than store bought kinds, it’s actually way healthier. Even the most seemingly healthy almond milk that is organic and non-GMO, still have gross preservatives in them that pretty much cancel out any other health benefit of delicious almond milk, not to mention half the time they’re also packed with flavoring and unnecessary sugar.

Almonds are sweet enough on their own, so homemade almond milk is both delicious and require very little to make. Here’s how, and how to make almond flour with the discards!


  • almonds (2 cups is a good starting point)
  • filtered water
  • salt (optional)
  • vanilla extract (optional)


  1. Fill a glass container with your almonds and cover with clean filtered water. A 3:5 ratio of almonds to water is fine, but you mostly just need to make sure the almonds are fully submerged.
  2. Let soak overnight.
  3. In the morning, drain off the water and rinse your almonds thoroughly under clean water, until the water runs clear.
  4. Place in a blender with the salt and vanilla extract, if you’re using them, and fill the rest of the blender with clean filtered water.
  5. Blend on high for a minute or two.
  6. Strain the almonds out with cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. I do this over a large pitcher so I can pour the fresh almond milk into a bottle easily.
  7. That’s it! Bottle your almond milk and store in the fridge; it will keep for 4-6 days.

How to make almond flour

So, you may ask, what do I do with all this crushed up almond I just strained out of my milk? That’s right: this is how we make the flour!

  1. First, try to squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the discarded almonds. Then, spread out on a baking pan or dehydrator tray in a thin layer.
  2. Set your oven to the lowest setting, place your pan in the oven, and crack the door. If you’re using an oven, leave it this way for about 4-6 hours. OR if you’re using a dehydrator, set it on the nut setting, if it has one, or around 115. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Once your almond meal is crispy and completely dry, take out of the oven or dehydrator.
  4. Run the almond meal through the blender again, until it is like a fine meal. This will vary based on your blender’s strength if you have a grain mill, even better! You can also use a coffee grinder, but this will take awhile if it has a small capacity.
  5. And there’s your super frugal almond flour! Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, and use in any recipe that calls for almond flour.

There you are, two awesome, healthy food products with one batch of almonds. Cool huh?

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